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...i hate those damn bumper stickers, but it's true.

Hearing the news out of Kalamazoo, MI today made me sad. Where has the respect for life gone?

With the hope that my left cycling shoe would soon stretch out enough to stop crushing my big toe, I rolled out from Deadwood, South Dakota. Has every western movie been made in Deadwood? Either way, I could move here. The Mickelson Trail runs from Deadwood to Edgemont, N to S, or S to N, through the magic Black Hills.

My favorite part about today was that the people around here still say hello to one another. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a big people person, I can fake it, but I'd always rather run the other way. But, I do say hello when passing folks on trails and like to try and wave more than I should, my Uncle Dick taught me that. Today, in my tights, I was waved hello to by truck drivers, hikers, Harley moto dudes and dudettes, construction workers, dog walkers, rangers, cyclists and even a wild turkey. EVERYONE existed together, EVERYONE respected each other. That felt cool. RESPECT.


Out and back today. About 50mi on dirty flint and gravel.

This is Blonde Bette, she visited us three times on Sunday. It's almost like we have one more dog to account for.

Riding with my bears out on Red Sandstone last week. Still some snow on the shady roads, but was able to get out to Piney and close to the E side of Lost Lake Trail.

No leaves on the trees out by Piney. I was surprised the road was open and was a bit disappointed.

I'll be back for Peak C next year.

Finally found what I been looking for. #grizKush

Being this close made me feel warm and fuzzy. I peed here. Thankful to be back doing things. I like things, so it's nice to do them again.


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